3AScreen leading decision-making plan technology blueprint 2022.02.12

Back in 2004, Huang Shaolun settled in Tainan. After graduating from school, he has been looking forward to working in the south for a long time. At this time, he has a stable job, a wife and children, and a happy family. For the average person, at the age of 40, it should be the time to pursue stability, but he is not. Optimistic about the future of Taiwan’s panel factory, he resolutely decided to go north to start a business and start from scratch. To this day, he is not only the chairman of

High Brightness Display 高亮面板

高亮面板 (High Brightness Display)液晶屏模組 三亞科技解析高亮度面板的構成及原理

高亮面板 介紹,眾所周知,液晶面板(TFT-LCD)是液晶顯示器的心臟,佔據了整個產品八成以上的成本,其品質會直接影響到顯示器的色彩、亮度、對比度、可視角度等等功能參數和顯示效果。但是,高亮度面板 (High Brightness) 的內部結構又是什麼樣的呢?這裡 三亞科技(3AScreen) 來做一個簡單介紹。 首先,我們先來瞭解一下顯示器的工作原理,簡單來說,顯示器的成像原理就是,通過施加電壓刺激液晶分子偏轉產生點、線、面的圖像,液晶分子便如閘門般地阻隔LED背光源發出光線的通過率,進而將光線投射在不同顏色的彩色濾光片中形成圖像。 液晶面板通常由液晶分子層、濾光膜和背光源等幾大部分組成,液晶分子層下方和金屬背板之間的構造中主要是反光板、折射板,還有三層的濾光膜。反光板的作用就是將光線反射回去,減少光線的損失。折射板的作用就是將光線在它的內部進行反射和折射,均勻的分佈在整個液晶螢幕中。濾光膜的作用就是除去某種波長的光線,三層的濾光膜均有自己的作用。在LED背光源中,除了發光源之外,與之配備的還有一層透明的濾光層和白色的反光板。其中濾光層上很多類似顆粒的東西,其目的是通過折射和反射,讓背光能夠更加均勻,而反光板則能夠增加LED背光源光線的亮度。   LED背光搭配上反光板、折射板和濾光膜,光源就可以比較均勻分佈在整個螢幕中,而目前很少有條形設計的LED背光源的光線能夠達到十分均勻分佈在整個螢幕,因此很多高端顯示器或者專業級顯示器採用了點陣式的LED背光源設計。

High Brightness Display 高亮面板

High Brightness Display :3AScreen Analyze the composition and principle of high-brightness panels

High Brightness Display introduction, as we all know, liquid crystal panel (TFT-LCD) is the heart of liquid crystal display, occupying more than 80% of the cost of the entire product, its quality will directly affect the color, brightness, contrast, viewing angle and other functional parameters of the display and display effect. However, what is the internal structure of the High Brightness panel? Here, 3AScreen will give a brief introduction. First of all, let’s understand the working principle of the display. In simple terms, the imaging principle of the display is that by applying voltage to

PT156WHM-N10 BOE 15.6

PT156WHM-N10 尺寸:  15.6″ 品牌: 京東方 類型:  TN 應用: 分辨率: 高清1366*768 亮度:  400 規格: 接口:eDP 6bit 視角:45/45/20/40 LED 壽命:30K O/T:0~50°C more

3AScreen leading decision-making plan technology blueprint 2022.02.12

Back in 2004, Huang Shaolun settled in Tainan. After graduating from school, he has been looking forward to working in the south for a long time. At this time, he has a stable job, a wife and children, and a happy family. For the average person, at the age of 40, it should be the time to pursue stability, but he is not. Optimistic about the future of Taiwan’s panel factory, he resolutely decided to go north to start a business and start from scratch. To this day, he is not only the chairman of

High Brightness Display 高亮面板

高亮面板 (High Brightness Display)液晶屏模組 三亞科技解析高亮度面板的構成及原理

高亮面板 介紹,眾所周知,液晶面板(TFT-LCD)是液晶顯示器的心臟,佔據了整個產品八成以上的成本,其品質會直接影響到顯示器的色彩、亮度、對比度、可視角度等等功能參數和顯示效果。但是,高亮度面板 (High Brightness) 的內部結構又是什麼樣的呢?這裡 三亞科技(3AScreen) 來做一個簡單介紹。 首先,我們先來瞭解一下顯示器的工作原理,簡單來說,顯示器的成像原理就是,通過施加電壓刺激液晶分子偏轉產生點、線、面的圖像,液晶分子便如閘門般地阻隔LED背光源發出光線的通過率,進而將光線投射在不同顏色的彩色濾光片中形成圖像。 液晶面板通常由液晶分子層、濾光膜和背光源等幾大部分組成,液晶分子層下方和金屬背板之間的構造中主要是反光板、折射板,還有三層的濾光膜。反光板的作用就是將光線反射回去,減少光線的損失。折射板的作用就是將光線在它的內部進行反射和折射,均勻的分佈在整個液晶螢幕中。濾光膜的作用就是除去某種波長的光線,三層的濾光膜均有自己的作用。在LED背光源中,除了發光源之外,與之配備的還有一層透明的濾光層和白色的反光板。其中濾光層上很多類似顆粒的東西,其目的是通過折射和反射,讓背光能夠更加均勻,而反光板則能夠增加LED背光源光線的亮度。   LED背光搭配上反光板、折射板和濾光膜,光源就可以比較均勻分佈在整個螢幕中,而目前很少有條形設計的LED背光源的光線能夠達到十分均勻分佈在整個螢幕,因此很多高端顯示器或者專業級顯示器採用了點陣式的LED背光源設計。

High Brightness Display 高亮面板

High Brightness Display :3AScreen Analyze the composition and principle of high-brightness panels

High Brightness Display introduction, as we all know, liquid crystal panel (TFT-LCD) is the heart of liquid crystal display, occupying more than 80% of the cost of the entire product, its quality will directly affect the color, brightness, contrast, viewing angle and other functional parameters of the display and display effect. However, what is the internal structure of the High Brightness panel? Here, 3AScreen will give a brief introduction. First of all, let’s understand the working principle of the display. In simple terms, the imaging principle of the display is that by applying voltage to

PT156WHM-N10 BOE 15.6

PT156WHM-N10 尺寸:  15.6″ 品牌: 京東方 類型:  TN 應用: 分辨率: 高清1366*768 亮度:  400 規格: 接口:eDP 6bit 視角:45/45/20/40 LED 壽命:30K O/T:0~50°C more

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