We are pleased to announce that 3ASCREEN Corporation has expanded its reach with a sales representative in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Our valued Sales partner in the region is TML Electronics, who will be working with us to develop the industrial display market in California and part of Nevada. Specifically, we will highlight our high-brightness TFT LCD modules and all products of 3ASCREEN.
The sales representative will focus on expanding our reach in the industrial sector by providing display solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. With sales Rep’s expertise in the display industry, we are confident that they will drive our growth in the market.
Our high brightness TFT LCM offer outstanding performance and reliability, making them the perfect fit for industrial applications that require high durability and visibility. With their advanced features, they provide clear and precise images even in harsh and challenging environments.
The latest 10-inch e-signage display Module that using IRIS Optronics’s Ch-LCD technology with up to 16.7 million colors and with extremely low power consumption.
We are excited about this new partnership, and we are confident that our sales representative in Los Angeles will play a crucial role in driving our growth in the industrial display market, their expertise in the industry and their commitment to excellence aligns perfectly with our values, and we look forward to working together to deliver exceptional products and services to our clients.”
We are committed to delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers, and we believe that this new sales representative is an important step towards achieving our goals. With their support, we are confident that we will continue to provide exceptional value to our clients.
For more information about our high brightness LCM and Ch-LCD display and our sales representative in Los Angeles, please visit our website or contact us directly.
我們很高興地宣布,3ASCREEN Corporation 已在美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯設立了銷售代表,從而擴大了業務範圍。我們在該地區重要的銷售合作夥伴是 TML Electronics,他們將與我們合作開發加利福尼亞州和內華達州部分地區的工業顯示器市場。具體來說,我們將重點展示我們的高亮度TFT LCD模塊和3ASCREEN的所有產品。新設立的銷售代表將致力於提供符合客戶獨特需求的顯示解決方案。藉由銷售代表在顯示器行業的專業知識提供美國加州地區客戶更好的服務並推動我們在該地區的工控顯示器業務的成長。
而最新的10英寸電子標示牌顯示模組,採用虹彩光電IRIS Optronics的膽固醇液晶( Ch-LCD) 反射式顯示技術,具有高達1670萬種顏色和極低的功耗等特性。